The Jonas Brother will be opening for her.
Isabella could not be more excited about this concert. She fell asleep tonight so anxious for tomorrow night. Well actually it is tonight since it is after midnight here. Nick is taking her and he is just as excited I think. I gave my ticket up so another "Hannah fan" can enjoy it also. We were going to all go together but...after seeing how these tickets were sold out in about 3 min. I figured let another kid go and "Get the Best Of Both Worlds" (a song of hers).
I am still un-sure as to what the big deal is. For tickets to be sold for thousands of dollars is just in sane, and unfortunately it is at the kids expense. I know there are lots of parents who tried to get their children tickets and were unsuccessful. So of course they look at places like e-bay or Stub Hub and there lies that $65.00 Ticketmaster ticket...asking $4,000.00 for it. I just don't get it. Anyway, so I saw no sense in 2 adults taking 1 almost 6 year old to a kids concert. Have fun Nick. Now you will have 2 kids and probably singing on your way home "Everybody makes mistakes" haha (another Hannah song). Love ya babe. Not many men will take their little girls to a teeny bopper concert.
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That is so AWESOME of Nick! There's seriously nothing sexier than a man who will do almost anything (even go to a kids girlie concert). And...wat to go Mom for making another little girls evening/year. You ROCK!
I hope you and your family have an Absolutely Wonderful Thanksgiving! =)
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