Monday, February 7, 2011

Sophia Rielle, life of a 2 year old

Being 2 is tough!   Here's what you are up to.

Potty training, which you have started on your own.  Although Daddy thinks you're ready, Mommy does not.  I think you are interested in parts of it, like how fast you can unravel a roll of toilet paper, and how many times you can flush the toilet before I catch you, or how quickly you can strip off all your clothes and diaper to proclaim to me (in the sweetest voice) that you want to pee on the potty!  So there we sit, and wait...and wait. You have gone twice so far, but I think that was by coincidence. Yesterday, you stripped down, broke through the gate and went upstairs.  You came back down a few minutes later and told Daddy that you pooped in Abby's room (Dayeee I poop Abby room) See Nick I told you she wasn't ready!

You will repeat almost anything, unless of course you are mad at someone asking you to say something.  You will get on the phone and say "What up Dude" You sing songs, mainly lolli-lolli-lolli-POP, and Jingle Bells.  You LOVE Go Diego Go, and Dora.  The other night at dinner we were trying to get you to take a bite of the Homemade Chicken potpie, you kept pushing your bowl away saying "Yucky".  I thought I would point out that Bella and Abby were eating like big girls, and you look at Daddy and say "Dayee eat big gurl"?  We were all laughing so hard, which just made you say it even more.  Now when you ask how Daddy eats, Sophie yells "like big Gurl"

Girlfriend, you have a Temper!  When you are hurt, you don't just cry.  You are MAD, only the person you go to for comfort can touch you.  If anyone else even gets close, you growl and scream, and then start swinging, pinching, hitting, till they go away.  Hard to believe that sweet little face can get so angry.

You love to climb on things.  I have to flip our kitchen chairs onto the table everyday just so you won't drag them across the floor to whatever it is you want to get into.  Some days it has been a drawer, one day it was the counter, one day it was the actual table where I found you trying to hang onto the light fixture above and swing.  Yeah, they get put up now.  Thank you very much!

You sleep with your bibi every night and for naps.  You also now require 3 blankets to go to sleep.  You have a favorite blankie, but really any 3 will do.  For about 3 months now when you are laid down, you point to the back of your crib and say these 3 letters "a-b-a" Daddy and I tried to figure out what you were pointing to and thus figure out what you were saying, but we can't.  We have no clue. We just decided to repeat the letters back to you a-b-a and that seems to suffice. We do however LOVE it, and it has become quite the routine to lay you down and make sure you say it before we walk out.

                                                                      Sophia's words.
                                                                      Dook = Drink
                                                                      Yaya = Phone
                                                                      Buddy = Scooter
                                                                      Bibi = Pacifier
                                                                      Iggies = Toes
                                                                      JeeJoo = Julie E.

You weigh 24lbs, you love to be the center of attention.  You have the most Beautiful Brown eyes, reminds me of my little sis (so does your temper) You are animated, enthusiastic,  and full of energy.  You gasp when you are trying hard to tell us something.  You say Ahh or Uhh before you say anyones name "uhh mommy" We love everyday with you and what you will amaze us with.  You are worth a million nights of going to bed exhausted.  I love you sweet girl.

1 comment:

Meemaw said...

I miss seeing my sweet granddaughters each day.

I love you all!