I can't believe I just put 8 on there. I really feel like I am getting a little scared of this whole getting older thing, and I am not talking about me. I mean, each year there are more challenges, things that get easier, harder, make me pick and choose my battles, make me stop and think...wait, where did she hear THAT from, dig deeper...back off. So many choices.
My straight A student, little girl of so many words and questions, so much love and attitude all given in the same day. The one who can still crawl in my lap and know I will hold her till she wants down. At 58lbs and coming to my shoulders you sure are growing sweet Angel.
For your Birthday you wanted a Rockstar Runway fashion show with a Sleepover. 5 of your friends came and were packing their best "Rockstar" outfits for the show. I did hair, makeup and nails. Bella and her wanting straight hair is going to be the end of my patience. It hurtse, it takes FOREVER, it does not last long, and she cries the entire time I do it...really she does, why do I agree. I told her this was the last time I was doing it.
Liv Doll
More presents
Rockin out after the fashion show, which was great and on video, but I have no idea how to load on here and then they danced and sang. Here is where I also started talking under my breath, and saying prayers to get me through the night...
Oh what it's bedtime already